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๐Ÿ“ฆ Usage

Package repositoriesโ€‹

For all the available packages use GitHub search.

Package NameDescription
any-nodeThe any Node module(s) locally in a newly created plugin directory.
any-gemThe any Gem(s) locally in a newly created plugin directory.
aprThe Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library.
fzfThe fzf command-line fuzzy finder.
fzyThe fzy command-line fuzzy finder.
pyenvThe pyenv Python virtual environment manager.
remarkThe remark Markdown processor.
doctocThe doctoc Markdown processor.
ls_colorsThe LS_COLORS and setup a zsh-completion system color scheme.
dircolors-materialThe dircolors-material and set up a zsh-completion system color scheme.
asciidoctorThe asciidoctor Markdown processor.
system-completionsMoves the stock Zsh completions under the control of Zi.
brew-completionsThe Homebrew Shell Completion under the control of Zsh & Zi.
ecs-cliThe AWS ECS CLI.
subversionThe Subversion client.
github-issuesThe GitHub Issues client.
github-issues-srvThe GitHub Issues server.
firefox-devThe Firefox Developer Edition.
zshThe Zsh mirror of zsh-users.
nbBookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, search, Git syncing, Pandoc conversion, and more.
zsh-binPackage of statically-linked, hermetic, relocatable - romkatv/zsh-bin.

Package profilesโ€‹

Apache Portable Runtime (APR) libraryโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)โŒโœ…โŒโŒ

Download, build and install the latest Apache Portable Runtime.

zi pack for apr

asciidoctor Markdown processorโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโŒโŒโŒโœ… (default)

Download the Gem of asciidoctor locally with the bin-gem-node annex.

Using the @ prefix because of collision with the as'' ice.

zi pack for @asciidoctor


Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโœ… (default)โŒโŒโŒ

Download the binary of the Amazon-ECS-CLI command.

zi pack for ecs-cli

dircolors-material color schemeโ€‹

Package sourceTarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโŒโœ… (default)โŒโŒ

Download the default profile.

zi pack for dircolors-material

doctoc Markdown processorโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโŒโŒโœ… (default)โŒ

A download default profile with the Node package of doctoc.

zi pack for doctoc

Firefox Developer Editionโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโœ… (default)โŒโŒโŒ

Download the firefox-dev latest binary.

zi pack for firefox-dev

fzf command-line fuzzy finderโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)โœ…โœ…โŒโŒ

Download the package with the default profile.

zi pack for fzf

fzy command-line fuzzy finderโ€‹

Package source:TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)โŒโœ…โŒโŒ

Download the package with the default profile.

zi pack for fzy

LS_COLORS color schemeโ€‹

Package source:TarballGitNodeGem
Status:๐Ÿšซโœ… (default)โŒโŒ

Download the default profile.

zi pack for ls_colors

Feature-rich noteโ€‘taking (nb)โ€‹

Package source:Source TarballGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)๐ŸšซโŒโŒ

Default profile are using bin-gem-node to set shims.

zi pack for nb

Python virtual environment manager - pyenvโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)โŒโœ…โŒโŒ

Download the tarball with the default ice list.

zi pack for pyenv

remark Markdown processorโ€‹

Package source:TarballGitNodeGem
Status:๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšซโœ… (default)โŒ

Download the Node package of remark-CLI, remark-man and remark-HTML

zi pack for remark


Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โœ… (default)โŒโœ…โŒโŒ

Download, build and install the latest Subversion.

Dependency of Subversion: APR

zi pack for subversion

Zsh mirror of zsh-usersโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโŒโœ… (default)โŒโŒ

Install the newest Zsh.

zi pack for zsh

Statically-linked, hermetic, relocatable Zshโ€‹

Package source:Source TarballBinaryGitNodeGem
Status:โŒโŒโœ… (default)โŒโŒ

Requires root access to install Zsh at /usr/local and will attempt to register it as a login shell.

zi pack for zsh-bin