📄️ ⚙️ Feature-rich syntax highlighting
Feature-rich Syntax Highlighting for Zsh
📄️ ⚙️ ZBrowse
Check variables of a possible loop.
📄️ ⚙️ ZConvey
Zsh Plugin ZConvey documentation
📄️ ⚙️ Zi Console
A console based on the `zsh/zcurses` Zshell module.
📄️ ⚙️ ZPrompts
Zsh themes (prompts) that use original Zsh theming subsystem.
📄️ ⚙️ Command Architect
Allows to copy segments of commands in history, rearrange segments of the current command, and delete segments of the current command.
📄️ ⚙️ Editing Workbench
Organized shortcuts for Zsh
📄️ ⚙️ Modules
Plugins & Modules Introduction
📄️ ⚙️ Navigation Tools
Multi-word history searcher, `n-cd` – directory bookmark manager, `n-kill` – `htop` like kill utility, and more.
📄️ ⚙️ Select
A shell command that will display a selection list.
📄️ ⚙️ Startify
Zsh Plugin Startify documentation.
📄️ ⚙️ Unique ID
Provides a **unique number** that identifies a **running** Zshell session.
📄️ ⚙️ ZUI
The Rapid Application Development textual user interface library for Zsh.
📄️ ⚙️ ZZComplete
Complete options from manual pages – press Ctrl-F to start the completer.